Jika berminat

Monday, November 29, 2010

Semester 5 Diploma  in Islamic Management (Diploma Pengurusan Institusi Islam) has ended  as a student IKIP Pahang. Now one more semester as students undergoing practical training,we wish to undergo training and pass with excellence.to all my friends are always fun, I love you all, and will miss you all. May the memory is a beautiful memory for us.for all lectures, thank you for all the knowledge that you provide to us. We will miss our lecturer.................

aki, hafiz, adi, bal, syafiq, hafizuddin(yeop), ghaffar, alif(yb), zakwan, amin, afiq, azim, nabil, rahimi,
k.yah, sue, alin(kajang), ana, yana, wina, wani, aida, aini, alin(perak), fizah, k.yurn(ain), mira(missing in this pic)
jehan, k.yani(that me), ummul, irwani, iena, ayu, rohani, zakiyah, khalilah, wani suhaimi, nana, dayah, emy

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Just Me

ermm, actually all kinds of writing that can close my blog. but I'm somewhat limited to writing the story on my blog, maybe I was still new. (Sorry if my English was wrong) hehehe. I try to write the new info if I have the time, and thanks to all of u for read my info....... daaaaa.wslm

Monday, November 8, 2010

So BEAUTIFUL and NICE info (follow this RULES)

1. For the face is always fresh, radiant and beautiful, wash 5 times a day with "AIR WUDHUK". Do not just dry, let it drip and dry themselves. Then take the prayer rug, prayer, 'zikir', and pray.

2. To get rid of stress, plenty of 'sport'. Simply by increasing the 'SOLAT'. During 'SOLAT', we move the whole body. And then, communicate to Allah with 'zikir' and prayer.

3. For a moisturizer, for younger, use a smile. Not only the lips but also in the liver. Do not forget to whisper 'keyword', , “Allahuma Kamma Hassanta Khalqii Fahassin Khuluqii” (Ya Allah sebagaimana engkau telah memperindah kejadianku, maka perindah pula akhlaqku). (HR Ahmad).- (DOA TENGOK CERMIN).

4. To have beautiful lips, whispered the words of God, do not lie or hurt others, not proud or haughty.

5. For slim body, smooth, regular diet with a fasting 2 times a week, Monday and Thursday. If stronger, better yet Nabi Daud AS (fasting one day intervals). Eat halal food, multiply vegetables, fruits, and water.

6. To develop themselves, spread the greeting. Thus we will be well known and loved.

Beautiful secret behind the name begins with the alphabet (CAPITALS) reflects the quality of the personality of a person.............

A - Describing a person is smart
B - Effect on others and put away materials
C - Easy to follow, but honestly, ending up in the friendly
D - You are a nervous
E - You really like to find an article by another person
F - You can be independent and do not like to rely on other people
G - A diligent and work hard to live
H - Prioritizing happiness and joy in life
I - always need the attention of other people
J - Not difficult to deal with people who started by
K - You this type of soft-hearted and do not like to keep a grudge
L - Often attract the attention of the opposite sex
M - A bit stiff, but can be a good leader
N - Willing to face any obstacles in the pursuit of dreams and ambitions
O - Like to be alone
Q - I like to expose myself to other people and prefer to live the mystery of
R - You are a strong work
S - Opinionated and strong spirit
T - Romantic person
U- You are a quiet and somewhat difficult to communicate with you
V - Sometimes the attitude is often mistaken for
W - Somewhat slow in action but will do
X - Patient care and diligence
Y - Smart and able to influence others
Z - It is difficult to assess their treatment